
We offer a wide range of filtering materials, available in rolls, sheets and finished pieces.

The materials used are polyester foams (good performance against solvents and oils), and polyether foams (very effective for water filtration) and non-woven foams (for air filtration).

Filtration involves a material retaining certain particles that are subjected to dynamic force, while also fluid pass through. The filtration function must guarantee hydraulic and pneumatic stability.

The following parameters should be taken into account:

  • Number of pores
  • How effectively the pores open
  • Permeability
  • Thickness of the filtering material


We can supply the filtering materials with different geometries and pressure drops, and we can even do longitudinal welding to supply it in tubes.



  • Air conditioning
  • Paint booths
  • Agricultural machinery
  • Electrical discharge machines
  • Compressors
  • Water treatment plants and swimming pools
  • Nautical upholstery

Related Materials


Nonwovens textiles are natural or man-made fibers interwoven and joined by mechanical, thermal or chemical processes, but without being woven.



Acoustic Absorption


Open cell foam material with different cell sizes. The materials used are polyester and polyether foams. Thicknesses and porosities are combined

Acid resistance

Acoustic Absorption

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